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844 Bats Out
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Bat Removal Projects
Residential and Commercial Bat Remoal and Exclusion

Live Bat Humane Safe Removal
Bat being safely removed from behind a chimney.

Commercial Bat Exclusion
Sealing small crack with black puracell foam under new aluminum flashing cap.

Bat Remediation
Installation of new roofing cap to exclude and prevent bats from gaining entry into commercial building.

Live Bat Humane Safe Removal
Bat being safely removed from behind a chimney.
Bat Control involves an understanding of both bats and building practices.
Proper planning is extremely important in ensuring that all bats are safely and humanly excluded from a structure. Proper identification of primary and secondary entry points determines what areas will be sealed and what areas one way doors are installed so that any bats that are within a structure can exit the structure and are not able to regain entry.
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